segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010

Uma outra voz vinda das margens

é a de Ralph Ellison.
No entanto, a vinda das margens não significará uma inevitável menorização ou balcanização da voz; aliás, ela pode edificar-se no choque com e na assimilação do centro: veja-se o eco de T. S. Eliot em Ellison.
Assim se concebe uma identidade.
Deixo-vos um excerto da entrevista por ele concedida à Paris Review, em 1955, no qual estes tópicos são aflorados:

Did you have everything thought out before you began to
write Invisible Man?
The symbols and their connections were known to me. I began
it with a chart of the three-part division. It was a conceptual frame
with most of the ideas and some incidents indicated. The three
parts represent the narrator’s movement from, using Kenneth
Burke’s terms, purpose to passion to perception. These three major
sections are built up of smaller units of three which mark the
course of the action and which depend for their development upon
what I hoped was a consistent and developing motivation.
However, you’ll note that the maximum insight on the hero’s part
isn’t reached until the final section. After all, it’s a novel about
innocence and human error, a struggle through illusion to reality.
Each section begins with a sheet of paper; each piece of paper is
exchanged for another and contains a definition of his identity, or
the social role he is to play as defined for him by others. But all say
essentially the same thing: “Keep this nigger boy running.” Before
he could have some voice in his own destiny, he had to discard
these old identities and illusions; his enlightenment couldn’t come
until then. Once he recognizes the hole of darkness into which
these papers put him, he has to burn them. That’s the plan and the
intention; whether I achieved this is something else.

Would you say that the search for identity is primarily an
American theme?
It is the American theme. The nature of our society is such that
we are prevented from knowing who we are. It is still a young
society, and this is an integral part of its development."

Podereis ler a entrevista na íntegra em

Boas leituras!

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