terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Uma cidade de sons

A propósito de uma leitura estética de Nova Iorque, escreve Andrea K. Scott em The New Yorker:

'New York is a city of sounds, not all of them soothing. An antidote to the sirens, the garbage trucks, and the unsavory cooing of pigeons has arrived on the High Line: Stephen Vitiello’s enchanting audio installation “A Bell for Every Minute,” the latest public-art offering from Creative Time. Part flâneur, part urban anthropologist, the forty-five-year-old artist—a native New Yorker, now based in Virginia—combed the five boroughs recording the ringing of bells, everywhere from Aqueduct, at the start of a race, to McSorley’s Old Ale House, at last call. Fifty-nine of them chime (or, in the case of a belly dancer’s accoutrements, jingle) at the rate of one per minute, from speakers installed in a tunnel over Fourteenth Street. (Time your trip to the top of the hour and you’ll hear all the bells ring in unison.) A map charts the sounds’ sources—Trinity Church, Gleason’s Gym, Cara’s bicycle—initiating an hour-long scavenger hunt you embark on simply by listening. Above all, the piece is a valentine; think of it as a harmonic update of E. B. White’s “Here Is New York.'

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