quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2016

Lincoln tinha "o estranho" hábito de falar por parábolas

Eis uma: Wa-al that reminds me of a party of Methodist parsons that was travelling in Illinois when I was a boy, and had a branch to cross that was pretty bad — ugly to cross, ye know, because the waters was up. And they got considerin’ and discussin’ how they should git across it, and they talked about it for two hours, and one on ’em thought they had ought to cross one way when they got there, and another another way, and they got quarrellin’ about it, till at last an old brother put in, and he says, says he, ‘Brethren, this here talk ain’t no use. I never cross a river until I come to it.’Onde terá ele ido buscar este hábito? Talvez também aqui: Jesus respondeu-lhes: «A vós foi dado a conhecer o mistério do reino de Deus, mas aos de fora tudo se lhes propõe em parábolas, para que, ao olhar, olhem e não vejam, ao ouvir, oiçam e não compreendam; senão, convertiam-se e seriam perdoados». Disse-lhes ainda: «Se não compreendeis esta parábola, como haveis de compreender as outras parábolas? (Marcos 4)

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