quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2009

Letters of Ted Hughes

Quando as Letters of Ted Hughes foram publicadas, li as 700 páginas em três dias. No final, não estava enfartado mas... "happy, as great power makes us happy", como dizia o Emerson a propósito do Whitman.

Aqui ficam dois excertos dessas cartas (nestes casos para o filho, Nicholas):

"[March 1971] (Nicholas tem 9 anos)
Dear Nick -
The stag is jumping over a tired hyena. The rabbit is listening for its bomb to explode. The leaves are hiding a man playing a piano.
But Nicholas is fishing in the lake on the other side of the hill.
Love Daddy"

"[Undated 1986]
I hope things are clearing. It did cross my mind, last summer, that you were under strains of an odd sort. I expect, like many another, you'll spend your life oscillating between fierce relationships that become tunnel traps, and sudden escapes into wide freedom when the whole world seems to be there just for the taking. ..."

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