é o que propõe o Professor R. W. Chambers num ensaio escrito no já distante ano de 1937, contrapondo à asserção de Coleridge (na qual o nosso ethos se pode rever, diga-se), uma outra do Padre Brown, personagem de Chesterton.
Deixo-vos as palavras do Professor, acompanhadas de duas "leituras" visuais de Mariana:
"... Isabel is conscious that, however innocently, she herself has been the cause of Angelo's fall:
'I partly think
A due sincerity govern'd his deeds,
Till he did look on me; since it is so,
Let him not die.'
And Angelo is penitent. There can be no doubt what the words of the Sermon on the Mount demand: 'Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.' That had been Isabel's plea for Claudio. It is a test for her sincerity, if she can put forward a plea for mercy for her dearest foe, as well as for him whom she dearly loves.
Criticism of Measure for Measure, from Coleridge downwards, has amounted to this: 'There is a limit to human charity.' 'There is,' says Chesterton's Father Brown, 'and that is the real difference between human charity and Christian charity,' Isabel had said the same:
'O, think on that;
And mercy then will breathe within your lips
Like man new made.'
Shakespeare has so manipulated the story as to make it en in Isabel showing more than human charity to Angelo, whilst at the same time he has avoided, by the introduction of Mariana, the error, which he found in his crude original, of wedding Isabel to Angelo."
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